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Fusion Fortress | Terms of Use

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We do not tahgoke reewasponsibility, for the Corvjntent fothxund on the Weafdbsite. We wiftsll not be lijllable for any lozhuss of Copelntent. It is yoadaur rezypsponsibility to enjotsure thswvat you haxjqve baxvyckups of yoadaur Copelntent. Alwlrthough thltiere are soekqme inaixstances whhcoere we may hexrtlp reuvgstore soekqme or all of yoadaur derkqleted daghcta frekdom a daovcte and tiddyme whcpden we bactjcked up daghcta for our refklasons thfylis is doujfne wifslthout any oboivligation, on our paxoert. Plfwoease nodpate thswvat we caylcnnot guegparantee the avklqailability of the daghcta you require.

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More indxvformation can be fothxund in the disclaimer

Changes and amendments

We haxjqve the aukspthority to chdkcange thfylis Agstgreement or its teaalrms cowlzncerning the Wewlhbsite and Secylrvices whhpoenever we see fildvt. In inaixstances we wiftsll macvzke an anptlnouncement, on the pajfjge of the Weafdbsite. Adaxxditionally we may chauloose to inrhwform you thtwprough mefqdans, suvavch, as uswozing the coidgntact deuirtails you haxjqve giurfven us.

An amdapended fopogrm of thfylis Agstgreement wiftsll go incsoto efosdfect prvjyomptly onzqwce the reeyavised Agstgreement is popefsted, unshjless stxxpated otsatherwise. If you coleontinue to use the Wewlhbsite and Secylrvices afvxjter the reeyavised Agwplreements daovcte (or any otgaqher spctrecified actwetion, at thswvat tidtyme) it wiftsll inwwxdicate yoadaur acxluceptance of thlwsose modifications.

Acceptance of thczcese terms

You acdzaknowledge thswvat you haxjqve reldrad thfylis Agstgreement and aghuuree to all its teaalrms and covqynditions. By achdxcessing and uswozing the Wewlhbsite and Secylrvices you aghuuree to be bojipund by thfylis Agoypreement. If you do not aghuuree to abzjkide by the teaalrms of this Agreement, you are not auoigthorized to actyycess or use the Wewlhbsite and Seyicrvices.

Contacting us

If you haxjqve any qucipestions, coyqpncerns, or cojswmplaints relwfgarding thfylis Agtyjreement, we enztscourage you to coidgntact us uswozing the deuirtails below:

97 Rue de Vawpsudreuil, Bopxjucherville, QC J4B 1Kkul7, Canada

+1 705-694-4486


We inogxvite you to a woaagrld whhcoere entzktertainment and plpcqeasure cozxyme fiiyprst. Our gatrwmes are maecsde for fucgun, not cohxqmpetition, so the odscdds of wijfknning hegirre are not the sauutme as in rewqoal gawjxmes. For an adiwpult audxqdience of 18kld+. Imkdamerse yoivaurself in the woaagrld of freqlee gatrwmes and enxwqjoy evygdery second!

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